"Firehouse" Grill Pits

"Firehouse" Grill Pits
Schroon Lake Fish & Game Club

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Essex County Toys for Kids Lobster Bake and BBQ

I love small towns. It is often said that people who live in small town are “nicer” as if they have some genetic predisposition to friendliness. I'm sure that some of those genes may be the reason, but I have a theory that the size of the community has more to do with it. If someone cuts you off in the market parking lot, you think twice before popping your cork at them, because you are going to see them again real soon. There's only one market. And then you'll see them at the Post Office, and then at the (only) bank, and probably this weekend at the Fish and Game Club. You just smile and forget about most small breaches of etiquette. That's my theory on why small towns are so nice. I spend most of my time in one such really nice small town - Schroon Lake, NY, whose year round population is less than my high school senior class at Brooklyn Tech. People are really nice here. Towns like this have sense of community that I find lacking in big cities. Its really easy to get to know most of the people in town, and one of the occasions to do just that is at the numerous summer barbecues that are held every year.

"Lobstah" Joe, Dave "Sporty" Beale, and Carl Russel